Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Street Vendors People's Economy Drive

Padang, MXN -- Sidewalk vendors often regarded as the ringleader of clutter in both the Kingdom and Tourism Market. Whereas on the contrary, if business groups are organized and empowered, it will be able to become the motor of social economy.

According to Vice Mayor of Padang, H. Mahyeldi Ansyarullah, SP structuring Five Feet merchants is feasible. Among them by giving space and time for these businesses to peddle its trading. "For example, the end of the week in one place prepared for their trade," said Mahyeldi at City Hall on Tuesday (10 / 5). Through this so there is certainty for buyers and merchants to do business.

Given this policy, Five Feet traders will be able to become an economic power of capital. Not only that with any certainty the time and place, residents will be a reciprocal relationship between merchants and buyers. "We will study the most appropriate location and time," he said. Mahyeldi declare any further any impact on increasing the life of the community will do.

Nevertheless, this MCC Politicians hope this policy coupled with a commitment from Seller concerned with full responsibility. Such as maintaining cleanliness and environmental safety. "Do not let this opportunity even abused them (red-traders). So what happened instead chaos again."

As is known empowerment Leg-5 successful traders do in some areas. Such as Yogyakarta and Solo. Both regions are able to exploit the potential of the Five Foot traders as a regional economic power.

But unfortunately means that there has not been able to accommodate traders. This is evident from the many merchants who peddle wares Five Feet everywhere. Consequently clutter happens.

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