Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

It's Time for The Indonesian Minister to Watch His Mouth

JAKARTA, MEDIAXInews - Minister of Law and Human Rights Patrialis Akbar seemed so different as he stayed away from giving words to journalists on the arrest of Nazaruddin in Cartagena, Colombia.

This looked contrast from the minister's previous responses when he openly made comments on the suspect of bribe funds for development projects 2011 SEA Games athletes guesthouse in Palembang.

At his office here Tuesday, he explained reporters that he would not give any inaccurate information on Nazaruddin. "I am afraid of being a scapegoat again (for informing inaccurate information). Let's wait for the facts if he is really nabbed and then we will talk about it."

He admitted of having not been informed that by Directorate General of Immigration assigned to trace Nazaruddin's whereabout. "We have not got any accurate information. We keep monitoring it," added him.

As to the passport by the name of M Syahruddin used by Nazaruddin, Patrialis also claimed of having no idea about it. The minister previously exposed the information on Nazaruddin's whereabout in Phnom Penh, Cambodia besides mentioning his traces in Singapore, Malaysia, China, and Vietnam.

On July 26, the minister stated that a team would take Nazaruddin back home. However, the minister's claim was denied by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto and National Police chief Gen. Timur Pradopo.

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Anti-Corruption Democrat Bullshit Slogan

NCC Chairman Repdem Masinton Pasaribu, said chairman of the House of Representatives a statement about the dissolution of the Commission Marzuki Ali and forgive actual corrupt reinforce to the public, anti-corruption slogan of the Democratic Party and the President is just as empty pepesan.

This can be seen from the many criminal cases of corruption committed cadre of the Democratic Party began the caretaker board until the board of the central branch of Democrats. "There are mayors, regents, governors, parliament until Parliament from his party as the perpetrator of corruption SBY bright confirm publicly that the Democratic Party as a hotbed of corruption," said Masinton, Sunday (31/07/2011) to the media.

Wrap the falsehoods that had been packed neatly SBY and his party with political imagery, sarcastically Masinton, now began to open packs of falsehood, and people can see with the naked eye, the contents of the package turns out pepesan imaging lies empty alias.

"Throughout the prosecution, police and judiciary have not worked professionally prevention and prosecution of crimes, then the presence of anti-corruption Commission as an institution in Indonesia to remain relevant. However, the KPK and recruitment agencies KPK commissioners should be evaluated as well," said Masinton.

"Because the crime of corruption is an extraordinary crime, the KPK leadership must be filled by people who have the courage and commitment to eradicating corruption," he said.

During this time, continued Masinton, KPK ketidakprofesionalan even many shortcomings in the handling of corruption cases involving officials dilingkar power. Among others; bailout Century Bank, tax mafia cases, cases of procurement of railway carriages, travel case and check Nunun Nurbaeti Miranda Gultom, fat accounts belonging to the national police generals.

"As well as cases of bribery and corruption involving cadres of the Democratic Party. Do not blame the people, if KPK doubt its performance, including the government's performance in a fair law enforcement. And also if the people do not blame the Democrats hive corrupt judge," said Masinton Pasaribu.

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Inilah Lima Negara Paling Berbahaya di Dunia Bagi Kaum Perempuan

Di bawah penjajahan pasukan koalisi AS, Afghanistan menjadi tempat paling berbahaya di dunia bagi kaum perempuan. Setelah Afghanistan, tempat kedua paling berbahaya di dunia bagi perempuan adalah Kongo, karena maraknya perkosaan terhadap perempuan di negeri Afrika itu.

Hasil survei Thomson Reuters Foundation menyebutkan, konflik yang terus berlanjut, penjajahan AS, serangan udara pasukan NATO, dan tradisi membuat Afghanistan menjadi tempat yang paling berbahaya bagi kaum perempuan. Kekerasan, buruknya layanan kesehatan dan kemiskinan mempengaruhi kehidupan kaum perempuan Afghanistan.

Survei dilakukan dengan menanyakan pada 213 pakar gender dari lima benua tentang negara-negara yang dianggap berbahaya dan beresiko tinggi bagi perempuan, berdasarkan ranking. Resiko dibagi menjadi enam bagian antara lain, layanan kesehatan, kekerasan seksual, kekerasan nonseksual, pengaruh budaya dan agama, minimnya akses terhadap sumber daya, dan ancaman perdagangan perempuan.

Beberapa pakar menambahkan ancaman lainnya yang dihadapi perempuan, yang kadang kurang mendapat perhatian, seperti ancaman menjadi korban serangan bom, penembakan, pelemparan batu (hukuman bagi perempuan muslim yang dituduh berzina) serta ancaman perkosaan yang dilakukan secara sistematis terhadap kaum perempuan yang berada di wilayah konflik.

Di Afghanistan, kaum perempuan menghadapi tiga resiko, antara lain buruknya layanan kesehatan, kekerasan nonseksual dan minimnya akses ke sumber-sumber ekonomi. Tingkat kematian ibu di Afghanistan cukup tinggi karena kemisikinan dan terbatasnya akses ke dokter dan rumah sakit. Menurut data UNICEF, di Afghanistan dari 11 ibu melahirkan, terjadi satu kasus kematian ibu saat melahirkan.

Negara kedua paling berbahaya bagi perempuan adalah Kongo. Menurut survei TrustLaw, kaum perempuan di Kongo menghadapi ancaman perkosaan dalam level yang mengerikan. Setiap tahunnya, lebih dari 400.000 perempuan di Kongo menjadi korban perkosaan sehingga PBB menyebut Kongo sebagai "ibukota perkosaan di dunia".

Negara lainnya, yang masuk dalam daftar teratas negara paling berbahaya bagi perempuan adalah Pakistan di urutan ketiga, India di urutan keempatdan dan Somalia di urutan kelima. Perempuan di ketiga negara ini menghadapi ancaman mulai dari kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, diskriminasi ekonomi, serangan dengan menggunakan zat asam, sunat bagi perempuan secara paksa, dan target pembunuhan atas dasar tradisi menjaga kehormatan keluarga.

Data Komisi Hak Asasi Manusia di Pakistan menyebutkan, setiap tahunnya ada 1.000 perempuan Pakistan yang menjadi korban pembunuhan atas dasar tradisi menjaga kehormatan keluarga.

Sementara kaum perempuan di India, menghadapi ancaman aborsi dan perdagangan perempuan. Sedangkan di Somalia, tingkat kematian ibu saat melahirkan yang cukup tinggi, perkosaan dan sunat secara paksa menjadi ancaman dominan bagi kaum perempuan di negeri itu. (kw/CD)

Foto Seksi Mano

jakarta, mediaxinews- Tersebar foto seksi Manohara dan ibunya Daisy Fajarina. Tidak tampak lagi bebatan penutup kepala yang dikenakan sang ibu sebagaimana yang diperlihatkannya ketika sang putri masih di tahan oleh putra Sulthan Malaysia. Manohara tampak mengenakan celana pendek sambil mengalungkan lengannya pada dua pria disampingnya. Deasy memperlihatkan kemolekan tubuhnya. Meski sudah berumur toh dia tidak mau kalah bergaya dengan putrinya.
Belum ada informasi, kapan dan bagaimana foto ini bisa tersebar. Sekali lagi, sebuah peringatan, jangan pernah menyimpan foto dokumentasi pribadi dalam bentuk apapun ke telepon genggam atau gadget lainnya.

Beredar Robot Seks di China

Robot seharga Rp41,9 juta itu menyasar pria yang terlampau sibuk memiliki pasangan nyata.


news - Sebuah perusahaan di China meluncurkan robot seks terbaru. Kelebihannya, robot cantik ini diklaim dapat berkomunikasi dan mengenali pemiliknya.

Adalah Love Sex yang mencipta robot itu. Dengan postur ideal setinggi 165,1 sentimeter, sang produsen menerapkan kulit sintetis lembut dan otot dari silikon gel yang terangkai dengan kerangka logam berteknologi modern.

Manajer Love Sex, Li Jian, mengatakan, robot seharga £3.000 atau sekitar Rp41,9 juta itu menyasar pria eksekutif bergaji tinggi yang terlampau sibuk untuk memiliki pasangan nyata.

Ketika memutuskan membeli, pelanggan dapat memilih wajah dan sosok robot pujaan. Robot pilihan kemudian akan diprogram untuk mengenali wajah pemiliknya. Sekaligus diprogram menentukan pilihan bahasa untuk bercakap-cakap dengan pemiliknya.

Li Jian mengatakan, robot itu dilengkapi dengan remote control untuk mengendalikan pergerakan dari jarak jauh. Dengan menekan salah satu tombol remote, robot itu juga bisa mengubah posisinya, bahkan menggetarkan salah satu bagian tubuhnya.

Menamcing penasaran atas klaim kecanggihannya, boneka seks ini berhasil menciptakan kerumunan orang saat hadir di sebuah pameran di Sex Culture Exhibition di Xi'an, Provinsi Shaanxi.

Robot seks ini menawarkan alternatif bagi penggemar boneka seks. Sang produsen mengklaim, robot seks lebih terkesan realistis dibandingkan boneka seks yang sudah banyak beredar.

Robot seks pertama mulai dijual bebas di Amerika pada awal tahun 2010 silam. TrueCompanion, sang produsen menklaim produk yang mereka namai 'Roxxxy' sebagai robot seks pertama di dunia. Boneka robot ini dirancang khusus sebagai teman kencan.

Robot dilengkapi dengan program inteligensia buatan untuk mempelajari hal-hal yang disukai maupun yang tidak disukai pemakai.

"Dia akan mampu berbicara, mendengarkan, mengikuti percakapan, dan merasakan sentuhan sekaligus menjadi teman sejati Anda," demikian menurut keterangan TrueCompanion dalam laman mereka. "Dia bisa mengalami orgasme saat Anda menyentuhnya."

Circumcision Ban Fight Turns Ugly with Anti-Semitic Comics - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Circumcision Ban Fight Turns Ugly with Anti-Semitic Comics - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Papua Potensi Luar Biasa

Papua atau dahulunya disebut Irian Jaya, merupakan salah satu provinsi terluas di Indonesia. Sejak otonomi khusus pada tahun 2003, daerah paling timur Indonesia ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu; Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat. Indonesia patut bersyukur memiliki Papua. Selain tersimpan cagar alam yang menakjubkan seperti; suku asli asmat, puncak Jaya Wijaya, Papua juga menyimpan kekayaan bumi, yakninya tambang tembaga dan emas.
Dibalik keeksotisannya itu, ternyata Papua juga memiliki segudang anak muda berbakat dalam sepak bola. Terilhami dari kebiasaan kehidupan yang keras dan budaya kesolidan, anak papua merajai kancah persepakbolaan nasional, ibarat mutiara hitam yang bersinar begitu cemerlang, putra papua meruntuhkan ekspektasi pesepakbolaan nasional. Dengan tubuh yang lebih besar dan bertenaga, serta mental juara yang lebih bagus, putra papua lebih menguasai lapangan hijau. Tak dipungkiri, peran anak-anak papua sangat menonjol di Timnas. Sebut saja Boaz Solossa, siapapun pasti setuju kalau pemain kelahiran 16 Maret 1986 ini pantas disebut “spesies langka dalam persepakbolaan nasional”, banyak orang yang menilai ia pantas bermain di liga-liga Eropa, Ia terkenal dengan kemampuannya dalam mengontrol bola, tendangan kaki kiri yang keras, akurasi kaki kiri dan kaki kanan yang baik, kecepatan, visi penyerangan, dan naluri dalam mencetak gol, hal-hal seperti inilah yang kurang dimiliki pemain Indonesia selama ini, Boaz memang anak ajaib.
Berbalik sedikit kebelakang, tepatnya di Piala AFF 2010. Lihat kiprah Okto Maniani, ia terkenal dalam sekejab dalam ajang sepak bola antar negara ASEAN itu, ia disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu pemain Asia yang pantas berkiprah di Eropa, pria kelahiran 1990 ini adalah produk asli sepak bola Papua, ia adalah produk PON 2008 Kaltim. Belum habis masa emas Boaz Solossa atau Okto Maniani, muncul Titus Bonay, sepertinya tanah papua tak pernah berhenti melahirkan pemain bertalenta hebat.
Persipura mewakili kehebatan anak-anak papua, Persipura kembali merajai kancah persepakbolaan nasional dengan mengunci gelar juara Liga Super Indonesia 2010/2011, lengkap sudah kedigdayaan anak-anak papua dengan menahan gelar top scorer yang masih dipegang Boaz Solossa, sebuah prestasi yang luar biasa diraih pemain dalam negeri sendiri- selama ini top scorer biasanya diraih pemain asing. Lebih hebatnya lagi, apa yang dilakukan Jackshen F. Tiago, pelatih Persipura, ia memainkan seluruh pemain asli Papua, ketika Persipura berhasil mengunci gelar juara ISL setelah menekuk tuan rumah Persisam Samarinda 2-1. Seolah Jackshen F.Tiago ingin membuktikan kalau si “mutiara hitam” bisa tampil luar biasa tampa dukungan pemain asing. Persipura pantas jadi klub kebanggaan Indonesia, penampilan Persipura di ajang AFC juga ciamik.
Ditengah “kefrutasian” PSSI bersaing di tingkat dunia, sepertinya pola menciptakan kekuatan tim yang tangguh harus dirubah total. Bukankah cara-cara yang dilakukan PSSI selama ini gagal total. Saatnya PSSI benar-benar mencari pemain yang tangguh bertarung dilapangan hijau. Dengan postur yang ideal serta bertenaga, tehnik dan skill yang bagus tak lupa naluri untuk menang. Harus diakui, inilah kekurangan Timnas selama ini, setelah kita mampu melalui negara seperti; Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, tapi, Timnas mentok disaat harus bertemu Australia, Iran, China, Korea atau Jepang. Dengan postur yang kalah lebih tinggi dan bertenaga kita selalu jadi lumbung gol. Untuk menutupi semua kekurangan di tubuh Timnas, menurut saya semua itu ada pada anak-anak papua, dan bukan bearti menutup peluang pemain daerah lain. Saatnya PSSI memaksimalkan potensi yang ada, saya menilai Papua adalah potensi luar biasa persepakbolaan nasional yang belum kita maksimalkan. Dalam sepak bola hukum ilmu biomekanika berlaku, pemain yang berpostur lebih pendek sulit bersaing dengan pemain lebih tinggi dan besar. Jika semua kekurangan pada tubuh Timnas selama ini bisa ditutupi oleh putra bangsa sendiri seperti halnya pemain produk Papua, kenapa kita harus memaksakan kehendak dengan cara yang menurut saya kurang fair dengan menaturalisasi pemain asing.****


Batas Kemiskinan Berbeda, Rapat RAPBN 2012 Dibubarkan
Selasa, 14 Juni 2011 | 07:12 WIB


— Pimpinan Komisi XI DPR membubarkan rapat kerja dengan Menteri Keuangan yang mengagendakan Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara 2012.

Hal itu karena informasi batas garis kemiskinan yang disampaikan pemerintah tidak sama. Garis kemiskinan yang ditetapkan Badan Pusat Statistik adalah setara 1,5 dollar AS atau Rp 12.000 sehari, padahal dalam usul Menkeu pada level Rp 7.000 per hari.

”Ini pembohongan (terhadap) publik, sebaiknya rapat dibubarkan saja,” ujar pemimpin rapat, Harry Azhar Azis, di Jakarta, Senin (13/6/2011).

Batas garis kemiskinan yang saat ini ditetapkan pemerintah sebesar Rp 212.000 per orang per bulan dipertanyakan kalangan DPR karena jauh di bawah garis kemiskinan negara yang lebih tertinggal, seperti Vietnam, yakni Rp 450.000 per bulan.

Batas itu terlalu rendah karena orang yang berpenghasilan setara upah minimum provinsi pun belum tentu sejahtera.

”UMP terendah itu di Jawa Tengah, yakni Rp 675.000, sedangkan batas garis kemiskinan versi pemerintah Rp 212.000. Apakah orang yang berpenghasilan Rp 300.000 mau digolongkan hidup layak? Belum tentu mau,” ujar anggota Komisi XI DPR dari Fraksi Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, Dolphie.

Gerhana Bulan 2011 (I'm here) [].flv

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Germany Requires Blood

Germany Requires Blood – MEDIAXINEWS, To anticipate the response of victims of E. coli bacterial infections until now increasingly widespread, Hamburg blood donation services require a lot of blood. According to the calculation of the Germans, the number of people infected with the deadly bacteria was over 1730 people.
As Die Welt newspaper reporter, AP, and AFP on Friday (06/03/2011), the number of dead continues to grow. In Germany, the victim died as many as 17 people. One person dead was recorded in Sweden.
With the help of laboratory Chinese, German scientists have found genes of E.coli, which is a new species that are toxic to humans. German citizens were asked to not eat raw vegetables. Meanwhile, the bodies of 500 people infected in Germany found in haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (HUS), which damage the liver, nervous system, and can be fatal.
Most cases occurred in northern Germany, including Hamburg. In severe cases, doctors should perform blood transfusions.
With regard to this, blood donation services Hamburg, needs blood. “We need blood, in addition to plasma. Reserves we need to be updated.” Lutz said Schmidt, the head of the Hamburg blood donation service.
He said, in Hamburg many donors give blood because demand Eppendorf University Clinic.
E. coli is usually found in the stomachs of cows and sheep. New bacterial species is believed to spread from cucumbers or tomatoes. These bacteria attach to the lining the intestines and remove toxins.

Iran champion Stage VII A, Mak Itam Waiting in Singkarak

Sunday, 12/06/2011 13:04 pm

MEDIAXINEWS - SOLOK Stage VII-A (Padangpanjang-Lake Twins) Tour de Singkarak (TDS) in 2011 succeeded rider conquered Iran, Golakhour Pouseyedi. WAG of the Azad University in Iran had managed to reach the finish first with a record time 2 Hours 48 Minutes 15 seconds.

Mates followed Golakhour timnnya, Amir Zargari in second place and Ki Ho Choi (Hong Kong Team) in third place. They are both only a few seconds adrift of Golakhour.

In addition, Golakhour will lead the riders on the Stage VIIB (Twin Lakes-Lake Batur). Because the stage is 109 km, he managed to wear the Yellow Jersey.

At Stage VII B (Twin Lakes-Lake Batur) is 70, 8 Km, the rider at the finish line will be awaited by Train Legandaris Mak Itam

Chan Jae Jang Cover with sweet TDS

Sunday, 12/06/2011 15:08 pm


- SOLOK-Final stage of Tour de Singkarak (TDS) in 2011 closed with a sweet by Chan Jae Jang with a lead finish in Singkarak, Sunday (06/12).

WAG Trengganu Asia Pro Cycling Team that scrape through Stage VII B (Twin Lakes-Lake Batur), a distance of 70.8 km in 1 hour 28 minutes 15 seconds. Followed by diocesan Waseso (United Bike Kencana) on the second position and Shih Hsin Hsiao (Action Cycling Team) was third.

Very special arrival of South Korea's young rider with the other riders were greeted by TDS 2011 Mak Itam Legendary Train Station, Lake Batur.

Moreover, noise and enthusiasm of people at the time welcomed the rider is very pronounced. Because this is the closing stage of the TDS 2011. So society has been waiting for the rider who started from Twin Lake, Alahan Panjang, Solok City.

FURTHER PROMOTE TOURISM AND TDS Documented Late Stage of Air Through Video

Sunday, 12/06/2011 11:00 WIB

MEDIAXINEWS- SOLOK-Something special in the last two stages of Tour de Singkarak (TDS), 2011, Sunday (06/12). At Stage VII A and VII B of the rider will take photos and video from the air via helicopter. The chopper is the assistance the Government of West Sumatra Province (Sumatra).

"By using heikopter definite picture TDs 2011 race will be more attractive,"said the Governor of West Sumatra, Irwan Prayitno.

It is said Irwan, the photographs and videos taken by helicopter is one of hope from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik, to capture the moment TDS 2011 from the air. It was announced by the Minister at the opening of the 2011 TDS ago.

Photos and video from the air, said Irwan, nantiya could be one container to promote the natural beauty of West Sumatra. Especially foreign tourists. Moreover, in two TDs this has not been done.

Two of the last stage is preserved in photographs and videos of air because it is considered as the best stage. For this two-stage through one of the Lake Singakarak Icon TDS.

Stage VII A travel a distance of 107.5 km. Starting from Padangpanjang and ending at Twin Lakes. Later Stage VII B will travel a distance of 70.8 km. Starting from Twin Lakes to the Port of Lake Batur.

Three Champion Falling From Stage

Sunday, 12/06/2011 12:42 pm


- SOLOK - WAG who became champion at Stage VII A (Padangpanjang-Pier Lake Below) Tour de Singkarak (TDS) in 2011 fell from the victory podium on Sunday (06/12). When about to take a picture together after the ceremony of giving medals to the three riders who reach the finish first in the stage is 105.6 km.

The incident happened after embedding awards to three winners rider Stage VII A, Golakhour Pouseyedi (Azad University of Iran), Amir Zargari (Azad University of Iran) and Ki Ho Choi (Hong Kong Team). When going to a photo with the stage as high as 50 Cm it suddenly collapsed. Suddenly when the three winners who were on the podium of honor fell. As a result they were shocked.

Although the incident had made them falling, but all three still smiling. Even the pictures directly along with several guests of honor at Pier Twin Lake, Alahan Panjang, Solok regency it.

Responding to minor incidents that the Regent of Solok, Syamsu Rahim, said that it was common place. And do not be dramatized by the media. Because it is a technical error. "Naturally there was a mistake, we humans really. We also apologize to the rider on this insisden," said the former mayor of Solok.

In these stages, Golakhour Pouseyedi (Azad University of Iran) managed to reach the finish first with a record time 2 Hours 48 Minutes 15 seconds. Followed by Amir Zargari (Azad University of Iran) in second place and Ki Ho Choi (Hong Kong Team) in third place.

Rider on Stage VII B (Twin Lakes-Lake Batur) will be led by Golakhour Pouseyedi (Azad University of Iran) who earned the Yellow Jersey. Stage is going through a distance of 70, 8 Km.

Review The Heroic Rescue Efforts Of The Mv Sinar Kudus Ships

Somali Pirates Captured, Crews critical Sinar Kudus – MXN, 20 crew (ABK) Holy Light Ship Somali pirates held hostage since last month still have to keep waiting for government aid and PT Samudera Indonesia. They do not want to end up tragic fate. Most of them are now beginning to seriously ill because of medical supplies and food on the ship was gone.

mv sinar kudus2 300x225 Somali Pirates Captured, Crews critical Sinar KudusSo far the government only asked for the whole family hostage victims to be patient. There has been no clear attitude to be taken to resolve this issue. Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said the government continues to monitor developments that 20 Indonesians. Government he said, do not want to carelessly remarked that could endanger the safety of hostages.

“I will not give any statement related to this which is likely to endanger the fate of the prisoners,” said Natalegawa.

The Somali pirates now have increased the demand ransom for the release of the crew of the Holy Light Ship. Previously, they demanded a ransom of U.S. $ 2.6 million, Somali pirates are now raising the ransom to $ 3.5 million.

Based on recent communications between ship captains, Slamet Juari, and his son Resky Judiana, on Sunday morning, March 10, 2010, the pirates would raise again the demand ransom for the release of 20 crew.

Possible ransom money will be increased again since the second deadline of the application hijackers had expired on Saturday, April 9, 2011 yesterday. This happens because the Indonesian government did not respond to their request in quick time.

“The word papa (Slamet Juari), they already love the time limit yesterday, from a government or party undertakes not Samudera Indonesia. So they will raise the demand,” said Rezky Judiana.

In a brief conversation by phone that, Slamet Jupri strictly speaking escort pirates explained that all the hostages began to be restricted to eating and drinking. Slamet Reportedly, current 10 crew seriously ill due to lack of medicines and foods.

As she cried, when found, Sunday, April 10, 2011, Rezka Judittya Dian Pratama, boys Slamet, say, his parents and 19 other crew hoped the government would soon meet the demands of the pirates. “Papa message to the government and the Samudera Indonesia to immediately listen to the hostage situation,” he said.

Rezka admitted his family was devastated by his father hostage. Because, for 20 years as a sailor, only this time the father was taken hostage. What makes this sad family, since the communication that took place in the morning, they then lost contact. All telephone numbers used to communicate with them have not be contacted.

Previously, Rezky has sent a special letter to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) called on the government cares and is trying to liberate their citizens from the hands of pirates. However, until now, there has been no response to the letter sent Rezky. Although the president has instructed a number of ministers to resolve this problem, but no significant changes.

Support for the government to immediately release 20 crew of the Holy Light of prisoners flowing Somali pirates in the social networking Facebook and Twitter.

The page up, at least there are four accounts fan page made by the community of Face Book. They created an account, “Free Crew Ghost Ship MV beam, the Movement for the Salvation Galang Coins MV Sinar Ghost Ship, Free Movement of People Support TNI crew When the Holy Light and accounts Supports Master and crew of the MV light trap Marauder Ghost Somalia.”

No less crowded on a Twitter account, tweeps busy-busy supporting the liberation movement of the Holy Light crew with a variety of ways. Either by posting a letter addressed to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as well as post the latest information about the condition of ABK.

The ship belongs to PT Samudra Indonesia, Sinar Kudus, 50 Somali pirates hijacked since March 16, 2011. The ship was intercepted at about 320 miles northeast of the island of Socotra and his fate is unclear. Indonesian ship was later used by hijackers to attack the ship Liberia. But it failed pirate action after fighting fire with security officers.

Piracy and hostage taking on the crew (ABK), Indonesia is not the first time. In August 2009, there are eleven crew barges Malaysia who are Indonesian citizens held hostage in Somali waters participate. The government paid a ransom of liberation. But it does not explain how much a given government.

On January 1, 2010, two type of cargo and tanker ships, hijacked in the waters off Somalia. Of the 24 crew on board the tanker there are 17 persons is a citizen of Indonesia. In the last two years, Somali pirates have hijacked more than 80 ships.Reviewing again the rescue effort 'heroic' Ship Ghost Ship MV Sinar hijacked by Somali pirates on 16 Mareta 2010. KRI Yos Sudarso bring 240 military elite forces Ambassadors Task Force managed to quell the Pirates Ocean.

Action Task Force rescue using a password first Indian Ambassador 2011 amounted to 240 people. These forces are combined KRI, Denjaka, Gultor forces, Kopasus, Kopaska, assisted by lighting service support team and diving.

According to Chief of Staff, Fleet Marine Force Combat West, Marine Colonel (P) Ariawan when meeting missed by the Mayor of Padang. H. Fauzi Bahar at his residence on Monday (16 / 5), initially Task Force does not exist but because directly order form President envoy that the Task Force should be formed immediately prioritized safety crews and military personnel, do not there is a victim of his own party as well as personnel crew. "My blood boils anxious rhetoric against pirates, but the message we are well," he said.

Graduation Expressions with Brawl

Padang, MXN - A total of nine students from three middle schools in the Padang, West Java, on Monday (16 / 5), Police arrested restore the city of Padang. They are involved in brawl when the UN celebrated the graduation day at the Padang.

Student brawl that occurred at the Imam Bonjol, paddocks, it doing by Kosgoro Senior Highschool , SMA and SMK Bukit Barisan and Adzkia. The trigger is taunted each other when groups of students from both vocational met. Spontaneously, the three sides attacked each other.

Brawl between students of late seems to be a daily menu at the Padang. This phenomenon of public concern following the action of the graffiti and street community of vehicle that occurred in the fields and keeping the city streets

Sikuai Island, Pearl Of The West Sumatra Tourism Pent

Padang -- If you want to see SpongeBob and his friends the place of origin, the Mentawai Islands is the perfect place. To go Sikuai Island can be reached by speed boat KM-Ambu Ambu with travel time 2 hours from Muara Padang.

Mentawai Islands consists of dozens of small islands and entered the Mentawai District administrative region famous for its white sand and coral reefs. When visiting here, was as a place to learn and play area for children is to love the sea and the beauty therein.

This weekend, Sunday, (15 / 5) when we visited the island Sikuai, because only 2 days there we did not have time to visit all the small islands scattered in the Mentawai islands, it may take more than a week but at least this Sunday is a tour unforgettable, where we were using motor boats can be rented from the fishermen, the opportunity to visit a paradise for divers and snorkeling enthusiasts Sikuai Island, on Saturday, while the day of our week at the beach surfing took Sikuai.

Sikuai Island offers a beautiful natural beauty. The sand is so white here, and sea water is so clear until our legs could be seen very clearly when swimming at the edge, because the scenery around makes the liver so calm and nice place to be used as location shooting.
Mentawai Islands with all eksotikannya indeed a pearl hidden for tourism in West Sumatra province, which will hold a Year of Visit Indonesia 2011, with the friendliness of its citizens and all its natural potential.

It is still waiting for polish and infrastructure development from both government and private investors so it can develop into more advanced, more easily accessible for example with the development of transportation routes via air or sea are served every day.

Besides, construction of supporting infrastructure and marketing concept with good tourism potential, the hope buried tourism pearl of West Sumatra province was later to further empower local communities and bring prosperity to them.

Buddhists, Pray to Padang

Padang- West Sumatra Buddhists celebrate Vesak Day in West Sumatra were asked to pray, so that this country protected from all disasters and misfortune. So that was said to Budhayana Indonesia, West Sumatra, Upasaka Sudharma Pandita.

Sudharma said, a number of problems, such as natural disasters, poverty, ignorance and underdevelopment is happening in this country was never properly resolved. Therefore, it is expected with the power of prayer, then this country will recover from problems.

Based on existing data, from 11,000 Buddhists in the West Sumatra town of 7,500 located in Padang. The Vesak celebration theme this year is to teach people to struggle for liberation.

Street Vendors People's Economy Drive

Padang, MXN -- Sidewalk vendors often regarded as the ringleader of clutter in both the Kingdom and Tourism Market. Whereas on the contrary, if business groups are organized and empowered, it will be able to become the motor of social economy.

According to Vice Mayor of Padang, H. Mahyeldi Ansyarullah, SP structuring Five Feet merchants is feasible. Among them by giving space and time for these businesses to peddle its trading. "For example, the end of the week in one place prepared for their trade," said Mahyeldi at City Hall on Tuesday (10 / 5). Through this so there is certainty for buyers and merchants to do business.

Given this policy, Five Feet traders will be able to become an economic power of capital. Not only that with any certainty the time and place, residents will be a reciprocal relationship between merchants and buyers. "We will study the most appropriate location and time," he said. Mahyeldi declare any further any impact on increasing the life of the community will do.

Nevertheless, this MCC Politicians hope this policy coupled with a commitment from Seller concerned with full responsibility. Such as maintaining cleanliness and environmental safety. "Do not let this opportunity even abused them (red-traders). So what happened instead chaos again."

As is known empowerment Leg-5 successful traders do in some areas. Such as Yogyakarta and Solo. Both regions are able to exploit the potential of the Five Foot traders as a regional economic power.

But unfortunately means that there has not been able to accommodate traders. This is evident from the many merchants who peddle wares Five Feet everywhere. Consequently clutter happens.

Bradley, PacMan’sNext Probable Bout

Manila, May 11, 2011

Just days after Manny “PacMan” Pacquiao’s unanimous victory over Shane Mosley last May 8, 2011 at the MGM Garden, Las Vegas, rumors about his next opponent are already in the works.

Timothy Bradley, the undefeated WBC and WBO junior welterweight champion has been eyeing for his fight against PacMan. He said things would not be similar to PacMan and Mosley’s fight. He would be in the fight to win, Bradley added.

Bradley, or also coined as “The Dessert Sun” has never lost a fight, 27 wins with 11 knockouts. However, for now, he still has to face PacMan’s sparring partner Amir Khan in their possible fight in July.

Poor Supervision KUD Will Decline

Padang, - Head of Village Unit Cooperatives (INKUD) Indonesia, Basuki Wahyudi confirmed for the managers of cooperatives in West Sumatra (Sumatra) to apply the management of good financial reporting system. KUD annual financial report must be audited by Certified Public Accountants.

"It depends on personal KUD Management or its management. So, a good manager must have a clear financial management in the financial statements. The report also audited by Certified Public Accountants," said Wahyudi after attending the opening of the Annual Meeting of Members (RAT) KUD Central West Sumatra to-36 Years Book 2010, at the Hall of Hajj, Padang, Tuesday (05/10)

It is said Wahyudi, there are currently 9000 KUD in all provinces in Indonesia. The majority of these cooperatives are managed properly. As in West Sumatra, there are 167 cooperatives. As many as 68 percent of these cooperatives already have a system that better management of financial cooperatives.

Meanwhile, Vice Governor of West Sumatra, a Muslim eunuch, When I open the Annual Meeting of KUD a boast to say at this time KUD should play a role in supporting government programs in various fields. Because, KUD managed directly by the public. KUD could be helpful distribution management of rice, fertilizer, seeds, transportation and some other commodities.

Painan Beach, Home of Crystal Clear Water

Padang, May 9, 2011

After two hours of bumpy ride aboard a mini bus, a crystal clear beach awaits you. Along this amazing sea of water, a stretch of white sand and palm trees stands before you.

This is the Painan beach, which is located outside Padang City. Foreign student correspondent, Miko de Vera, was able to enjoy the said beach last Saturday, May 7, 2011.

After arriving and buying lunch, we grabbed a traditional boat and headed to the next island. Not that the current beach was not beautiful enough, the other island was just better to swim at. The 10,000 Rupiah boat ride was quick, almost only 15 to 20 minutes. But then, the new island was really astounding – almost breathe taking.

Painan beach’s small island was exactly similar to its main one. Crystal clear and cool water, white sand and numerous large palm trees stand on its terrain. Local visitors and tourists alike could either swim on the seawater, ride the banana boat or jet ski, or simply enjoy the cool sea breeze and sand. The water was clean, cool and refreshing. Though the beach accommodates an enough number of visitors daily, the environment was still able to maintain its natural glory, except from the usual few rubbish here and there.

Also, there were enough local food and beverages establishments located around both islands. Visitors could either bring their own food or avail it from these establishments, which we did. The traditional food and thirst-quenching beverages were great partners for the day’s active events.

Unlike Air Manis beach, Painan beach should be able to maintain its natural wonders and work more on its environmental security. With this continuous development, Painan beach could attract more tourists, who would definitely enjoy what it has to offer.

PBOX Entrepreneurship Got Down To Business last May 8, 2011.

Padang, May 9, 2011

Just as expected, the PBOX Entrepreneur Seminar went smoothly at the Fekon Jati hall last May 8, 2011. The University of Andalas’ AIESEC local committee was able to cater to the numerous senior high school students attending the event.

Although the sun’s heat blazes outside the Fekon Jati hall, the seminar was still down to its proper business. The two locally acclaimed speakers were fruitful in their respective lectures. Business plan, practical tips and techniques and entrepreneurship were just some of the fundamental matters of the day.

At the end of the workshop, the students were required to apply and accomplish everything they have learned for the day. With the AIESEC student facilitators, business plans were written by separate groups and later presented to the workshop.

All in all, the PBOX Entrepreneur Seminar was simple yet still prosperous. Finishing the seminar at an hour later than expected, the senior high school students have now achieved a better business outlook on their future opportunities.

Governor of West Sumatra: "The Importance Of Building Synergy In Building Nagari"

Padang, - Governor of West Sumatra (Sumatra), Irwan Prayitno, said villages should be encouraged to continue its development so that 'Nagar'i become strong and prosperous society can be.

"Nagari should be encouraged to continue reforming Nagari. Therefore, the Nagari is the base for development. The development in each district in West Sumatra have to touch the village government," said Irwan, to, Friday (05/06), after attending the Unity Day Celebration PKK movement and Launching 39th Month Bhakti Mutual Cooperation to 8 levels of West Sumatra province in 2011.

He said the government program supported by mutual aid society, it can be realized. So the community also participate in village development.

Today, for the construction of Nagari, obviously the Head of Community Empowerment (BPM), West Sumatra, Irvan Khairul Ananda, every village we have a Medium Term Development Plan (Development Plan) in Nagari.

Each village, Irw

an said, must have their respective purposes set forth in RPJM. Later, the program will be synergized with local government programs. (rahmat)

PBOX Entrepreneur Seminar on May 8, 2011

In the entirety of MediaXi’s key role in the fields of entrepreneurship and student leadership, this media group has been continuously supporting the projects and seminars of University of Andalas’ AIESEC student organization. To maintain this legacy, MediaXi is proud to promote the fifth installment of this year’s Project Based on Exchange or PBOX seminar, entitled “Entrepreneur One-Day Workshop.”

PBOX Entrepreneur Seminar hold last May 8, 2011 from 8 o’clock in the morning until 1 o’clock in the afternoon. The activity shall be conducted in the hall of the University of Andalas Faculty of Economics’ satellite campus at Jati, Padang.

There shall be two main speakers for the half-day event: Asmi Abbas, S.E., M.M., the Supervisor for Entrepreneur of University of Andalas, and the German owner of the Padang Restaurant.

Exchange participants from Germany and the Philippines shall also provide their respective icebreakers and presentations.

Public and senior high school students, specializing in economics and entrepreneur, shall grace this PBOX seminar. However, it is still open for all interested delegates. Food snacks, beverages and a duly signed certificate shall also be provided to all attendees.

For only a small price of 15,000 Rupiah for the ticket, this annual PBOX Entrepreneur Seminar will surely aid you in all your business concerns. Join now and see you there!

Air Manis Beach Visit

Experiencing the sun and sand, Philippine student correspondent, Miko de Vera, visited Air Manis beach, Padang, yesterday, May 1, 2011.

Air Manis beach is about a 45-minute angkot ride from Pasar Raya. You could reach it by taking the 5,000 Rupiah ride on a dark blue angkot. Through the rise and fall of the mountain-like path, the journey shall take you to the Air Manis beach, located along the outskirts of the Padang city.

After paying what seems to be an unofficial entrance fee of 2,000 Rupiah, the trails of the nippa huts and brown-colored sand starts to greet you a “SelamatDatang!”

A wide stretch of beach sand, seawater, and coconut trees is not only what Air Manis beach is all about. You could try barefoot walking along the seaside until you reach the Pisangor Banana Island. And eventually, traverse your way through the knee-deep water and experience a whole new Indonesian island.

Also, Air Manis beach is laden with enough traditional restaurants, serving “miegoreng" and “mie rebus” for about 5,000 – 7,000 Rupiah to savor your food cravings. Refreshments and beverages, such as fresh coconut drinks would cost you around 6,000 – 7,000 Rupiah. On top of all these, you get to eat and dine along the seaside of Air Manis.

But what really makes Air Manis beach special is the legend and folklore it holds. Opposite the direction of the Pisang Island, tourists and local people amaze their eyes with the ruins of a legendary ship and its captain, supposedly transformed all into stone. Walking furthermore, a golden wall tells the legend of a man cursed into stone by his mother due to his conscious abandonment.

All in all, Air Manis is a tourist spot yet to be capitalized into its full potential. The local tourism board should without a doubt look into tapping these kinds of seaside wonders. Nonetheless, this Air Manis beach is worth the escape from the hustles and jostles of Padang City.

More Than 100 Students Clean The Padang Beach

Padang, - Hundreds of students and activists marched from the old Kogami Taman Budaya Padang parking lot and ends at Lake Cimpago Monday (2 / 5). This action as a form of concern for the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and commemorate the national education day which falls on May 2.

Executive Director Kogami, Patra Rina Dewi said the big concern from the government would be enormous benefits from the curriculum standby disaster.

"I think it's time to mitigate this disaster became compulsory curriculum in schools in the city of Padang. Maybe now it seems this subject is not important, but for the long term given the city of Padang is prone to earthquakes and tsunamis, " she said.

This is in intended to reduce casualties when the earthquake which accompanied the tsunami is really happening in the city frontier, because the disaster is unavoidable.

Women who used to be called Patra is also expressed how great it would benefit from the construction of shelters in the red zone area wilderness City. It is Based on the experience of the disaster in Japan.

"Japanese people use shelters as a means of protection from the brunt of the tsunami ferociously. And this is proved by making use of shelter deaths due to these disasters can be reduced, " she said.

AIESEC Exchange Fair More Successful In Its Second Run

Padang, April 30, 2011

University of Andalas’ (UNAND) AIESEC international student organization completed its two-day seminar and interview of their “Exchange Fair No. 2”, yesterday, April 29, 2011.

The three-month preparation for this year’s Exchange Fair has paid off, with more than 75 university students participating in this seminar and on-the-spot interview. Conducted on two different venues and dates, the AIESEC-UNAND’s Exchange Fair was already the second and final run for their introductory exchange program for all interested students. This fair was separately held at University of Andalas last April 27 and at State University of Padang (UNP), yesterday April 29.

The Exchange Fair No. 2 was aimed to develop the interest of different university students to avail the exchange program of the AIESEC student organization in more than 100 countries. Previous exchange participants (EPs) presented their souvenirs from their respective exchange countries and shared their experiences to all exchange fair spectators. To emphasize the significance of going on exchange, speakers YulaindreDarwis, Ph.D and Parhiutanta, S.E. were also invited to separately talk about the advantages and motivating factors of the program.

Also, Ratih

Ramadhani, the organizing committee president from AIESEC-UNAND, added that this exchange fair was conducted “to help more OGX (Outgoing Exchange) participants” to go through the whole exchange process – interviewing, raising, matching and eventually realizing the program. In addition to this process, there was also a set of criteria for assessing the interested exchange participants: English proficiency, permission letter from parents and an administration fee of 1.3 million Rupiah.

Indeed, 2011’s Exchange Fair has turned out more participants than from last year’s number. Now, with the management of more than 8 organizing committee members, the Exchange Fair No. 2 has delivered its purpose on its final run.

To part, Lydia Elvina, the organizing committee programmer, has expressed her message to the future EPs, “Ingat! (or take care in the Filipino language) I hope when you go to your country, you can achieve your expectations, meet new friends and accomplish even more different expectations than before.”